Staying Healthy on Holiday

Are you heading off on holiday this Summer?

Whilst this may be an exciting time for a lot of people, for many others, this can create anxiety and worry around the type of foods and drinks available. However, with a bit of planning, you will see that you can have fun exploring new cuisines when you are on holiday. Whilst it is okay to relax some of your eating habits, you don’t need to stop all your healthy habits just because you are away!

Here are some tips on how to make healthier choices when you are on holiday:

  1. Be active

Try to be as active as you can - swimming, walking, working out in your room (or balcony if you are lucky enough to have one!) - check if your hotel has a gym.

2. Choose wholegrain

Choose wholegrain options where you can such as wholegrain bread and wholegrain cereals as they will keep you fuller for longer.

3. Check cooking methods

If possible, opt for grilled, barbequed or baked food rather than fried.

4. Check out the local supermarket

Try to take healthy snacks or a packed lunch with you if you are going on day trips or excursions.

5. Stay hydrated

Drink lots of water, particularly if you are travelling to a hot country.

6. Stick to your 5-a-day

Perhaps you can try some local fruits and vegetables.

7. Be alcohol aware

Make sure to drink lots of water if drinking alcohol - aim for a glass of water between every alcoholic drink as alcohol can make you more dehydrated.

8. Be buffet smart

If you are on an all inclusive holiday, there tends to be a buffet option for breakfast, lunch and dinner - try to fill up your plate with fresh salad or vegetables, have a look at what options are available and choose something you actually fancy rather than having a bit of everything, choose lean protein and high-fibre carbohydrates, and resist trying all the desserts at once, but rather enjoy one, then have another one another day.

9. Watch the ice cream

You could sometimes swap ice cream for a natural, plain frozen yoghurt with fruit.

  • This blog is aimed at adults

  • This blog is intended for information only

  • The advice given is generic advice for supporting a healthy diet and lifestyle. For specific medical conditions please seek advice from your GP.

To find out more on how to improve your lifestyle whilst still enjoying the foods you love, please get in touch, check out our upcoming workshops and webinars, and sign up to our mailing list.


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Saira Mashru

Registered Associate Nutritionist, BSc (Hons)


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